German Shepherd Abbreviations & Titles


A                             Ausreichend (Ger.) Sufficient - Show or working rating

“a” 1                      HD Normal - best hip rating

“a” 2                      HD Fast Normal - close to normal hip rating

“a” 3                      HD Noch Zugelassen (Ger.) - Hips are ok for breeding

AD                          Ausdauerprufung (Ger.) - Endurance Test

“a” –Ausland      HD certification was completed in a country other than Germany

Ahnentafel          (Ger.) - Pedigree

AKC                        American Kennel Club

AWDF                   American Working Dog Federation

BH                          Begleithunde (Ger.) - Tests required as prerequisite for Schutzhund

BSP                        Bundessiegerprufung (Ger.) - World Championship for Working German Shepherds

BSZS                      Bundessieger-Zuchtschau (Ger.) - World Championship (Sieger Show)

CKC                        Canadien Kennel Club

DVG                       Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchschundsportvereine (Ger.) – Oldest and largest Schutzhund training organization

E                              Eigentomer (Ger.) – Owner

FCI                          Federation Cynoloqique Internationale (Fr.) – World Canine Organization

FH                           Fahrten Hund (Ger.) – Advanced Tracking Title

Fuhrer                   (Ger.) – Handler

G                             Gut (Ger.) – Good rating for work or show

GHKL                     Gebrauchshundklasse (Ger.) – Working Dog Class

GSD                       German Shepherd Dog – Deutsche Schaferhunde (Ger.)

GSDCA-WDA       German Shepherd Dog Club of America – Working Dog Association, Inc.

H                             Halter (Ger.) – holder

HD                          Hip Dysplasia

HGH                       Herdengebrauchshund (Ger.) – Herding Dog

Hundinen             Female Dogs

IPO                         International Title (IPO I, IPO II, IPO III)

JKL                         Jugendklasse (Ger.) – Youth class 12-18 months

Kkl                          Korklasse (Ger.) – Breed Survey (must be Kkl1 or Kkl2)

Kkl1                        Dog is recommended for breeding

Kkl2                        Dog is still suitable for breeding even though it has some variations from breed standard

Korung                  SV Breed Survey

JHKL                       Junghundlkasse (Ger.) – Young dog class 18-24 months

lbz                          Lebenzeit (Ger.) – for life – The breed survey is for life, usually after second survey)

M                            Mangelhaft (Ger.) – Faulty – Show or working rating

Mutter                  (Ger.) Dam – Mother

NP                          Awarded in pupply class for puppies that aren’t promising

OFA                        Orthopedic Foundation for Animals

P                             Awarded in puppy class for Promising puppies

PH                          Polizei Hund (Ger.) – Police Dog       

Ruden                   (Ger.) Male Dogs

SAR                        Search & Rescue

SchH                      Schutzhund (Ger.) – SchH I, SchH II, SchH III

SG                          Sehr Gut (Ger.) – Very good rating for work or show

SV                          Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde e. V. (Ger.) – Club for German Shepherd Dogs

T1, T2, T3, T4      Dog is removed from participating in Sieger show due to TSB failings.

T1                           Dog did not release on command – TSB pronounced

T2                           TSB Vorhanden (Ger.) – TSB sufficient

T3                           TSB nicht aenuegend (Ger.) – TSB insufficient

T4                           Dog failed attemps to heal to the blind –TSB insufficient

TSB                         Triebveranglung, Selbsticherheit und Belastbarkeit (Ger.) – Courage test – Ratings are pronounced, sufficient, or insufficient

U                             Unsatisfactory show or working rating

USA (USCA)         United Schutzhund Clubs of America

V                            Vorzuglich (Ger.) – Excellent show rating in working class

VA                          Vorzuglich Auslese (Ger.) – Excellent Select – Excellent Sieger Show rating

Vater                      (Ger.) Sire – Father

Vom/von              (Ger.) From the

VP                          Awarded in puppy class for very promising puppies

WT                         Wurftag (Ger.) – Date of Birth

WUSV                    World German Shepherd Dog Schutzhund Championship

Z                             Zuchter (Ger.) – Breeder

ZB                           Zuchtbewertung (Ger.) – Show rating

ZW                         Zuchtwert (Ger.) – Estimated breed value according to hip status


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