What Puppy Owners Need to Know About Diarrhea in Puppies


Bringing a new puppy home is an exciting time, but it can also be a period of adjustment for your new furry friend. Puppies have sensitive stomachs and can experience stress when transitioning to a new environment, making them more prone to soft or loose stools initially. Many owners quickly resort to changing foods to solve this issue, but this can lead to an endless cycle of food changes and picky eating habits. Before making drastic changes, consider these tips to help manage your puppy’s digestive health.

Understanding Puppy Diarrhea

Puppies have weak stomachs, and the stress of moving to a new home can exacerbate digestive issues. While it’s common to see soft or loose stools during this period, it’s important to know how to manage and mitigate these symptoms to prevent ongoing problems.

Tips to Manage Diarrhea in Puppies

1. Use a Probiotic Supplement: I recommend using Gastro Pro Plus probiotic for young dogs. This supplement is suitable for any age and contains a combination of probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, and gut-soothing herbs. These ingredients help maintain healthy intestinal flora, support the immune system, aid digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, and deter stool eating. You can give Gastro Pro Plus to your puppy regularly or as needed when they experience stomach upset.


2. Adjust Feeding Amounts: Overfeeding can be a major cause of loose stools in puppies. Puppies often eat quickly, which doesn’t allow their stomachs enough time to signal fullness to their brains. Try reducing the amount of food you give your puppy to see if this helps firm up their stools.

3. Manage Treats and Diet: Changing foods and introducing different treats can cause diarrhea. For treats, consider using Pawtree seasoning on your puppy’s regular food. Shake it in a ziplock bag and use it as a nutritious treat that won’t upset their stomach.


4. Use Plain Chicken and Rice: If your puppy has eaten something outside of their norm and is experiencing diarrhea, try feeding them plain chicken and rice for a few feedings. This bland diet can help firm up their stool and provide quick relief.

5. Be Aware of Parasites: If dietary adjustments and probiotics don’t resolve the issue, your puppy might have parasites. Puppies can reinfect themselves with parasites, so it’s crucial to clean up their stool promptly. The Gastro Pro Plus supplement can also help deter puppies from eating their stool, reducing the risk of reinfection.

IMPORTANT Information About Parasites in Puppies

Dormancy and Reactivation: Some parasites can go dormant when treated and can be reactivated during times of stress. For example, Toxoplasma gondii and Coccidia can become dormant in tissues and reactivate when the puppy is stressed.

Fecal Tests: Fecal tests can show positive results for parasites that are already dead. Since these tests detect the presence of parasite eggs or oocysts, dead parasites can still result in a positive test. Retreatment should be based on symptoms rather than just test results.

IMPORTANT: It's important to avoid giving antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Overuse of antibiotics can disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, leading to further digestive issues and antibiotic resistance. When antibiotics are required, always follow up with a probiotic supplement like Gastro Pro Plus for several weeks after the treatment to help rebuild healthy gut bacteria.

Regular Deworming Schedule: Follow a regular deworming schedule starting at 2-3 weeks of age and continuing as recommended by your veterinarian.

Environmental Control: Keep the puppy’s environment clean to minimize exposure to parasite eggs or larvae. Regularly clean bedding, toys, and play areas and bathe puppy after finishing antibiotics.

Symptoms of Parasites: Be aware of signs such as diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, weight loss, and lethargy. Prompt veterinary intervention is necessary if these symptoms appear.

Transmission to Humans: Some parasites, like roundworms and hookworms, can be transmitted to humans. Practice good hygiene, including regular hand washing and cleaning up after puppies promptly.

By understanding these key points and following these tips, you can help ensure your puppy’s digestive health and overall well-being. Remember, managing your puppy’s diet and environment carefully can prevent many common digestive issues and help your new friend grow up healthy and strong.


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